Welcome Garden Grove MBC!

We are glad you are here. We hope you will join us for our next service. 

 In the summer of 1917, Bro. A. W. Goodnight came to the Garden Grove Community and held a two week revival meeting. Interest was high and 22 were baptized on the first Sunday, and 19 the second Sunday of the meeting. There was no church in the community at this time, but there was a union Sunday School meeting in the old school building, which was located in what is now the cemetery. In the following year, Bro. Goodnight and his family moved to the Garden Grove community and the church was organized in July 1918, with 24 charter members. A new school building was built in 1922 and then the church met there. The first services were held in the new sanctuary building on Easter Sunday 1977 with an attendance of 175. The new educational wing and fellowship hall was dedicated in January 1995. In Februray 2021 Bro. Matt Raines returned to Garden Grove as Pastor. Bro. Matt Raines was ordained at Garden Grove in May of 2005.